How I Made Jesus Like Me Best

I used to have a running list in my head, and the title was, “Reasons I Am An Awesome Catholic.”

I used this mental notepad to record all of stunning accomplishments, projects, and endeavors. I told myself that I would need to write it all down one day so they could reference it when they began my cause for canonization. After all, it would probably make the investigation go far more quickly – and why would the Church want to waste time when people could be asking my intercession?

I did service projects.

I went to my youth group.

I went to Mass every Sunday and even (ready for this?) daily Mass a couple of times during the summer.

I was a peer leader.

I went to all of our summer conferences.

I encouraged people to adopt pets from the Humane Society.

You get the idea. I thought this list was pretty great, and you may be wondering how long and impressive that list is right now. Here is the truth: I don’t have it anymore. The reason is simple:

That list held me back from God.

Finish reading at Steubenville Fuel…

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